Here is just a few of the main and important characters in Dragonball Z. If you have anymore information on these characters or you want me to add your favorite, please email me with the info/character and I'll be sure to add he/she on.



Goku is my favorite character and is the hero of Dragonball Z. He starts out years ago as a little boy who lives deep in the woods with no connection with the world until Bulma come along to steal his deceased grandpa's Dragonball. After convinced to join her in her quest to find the remaining Dragonball, He goes through extensive training with Master Roshi and with Kami-Sama; he grows stronger and becomes a much better fighter. To everyone's surprise, Goku's strength was natural to him; and no one could figure that out. Until one day he has the shocking news that he isn't an earthling; he's an alien from the planet Vegeta, and his real name is "Kakarrot"! And he's from a bloodthirsty race called Saiyans! Goku's heart is pure and he will give up his life for any of his friends. He honestly believes that deep down everyone is good and everybody deserves a second chance. Sometimes that gets the best of Goku, and it leaves him open for demise. Goku's first transformation (or the first time he became a "Super Saiyan") was when he endlessly fought Frezia on Planet Namek, and after believing he destroyed him Frezia came back and blew up Krillin, his longtime best friend. Goku felt a rage he never felt before, and the transformation began! Goku is very focused in his Super Saiyan form; he loses all his "kind hearted sensibilities" and his object is to kill. Be even giving Frezia a chance to live and he too betrayed him, he had no choice but give Frieza the finishing blow...or did he? Goku's heroic acts nonetheless make him truly a wonderful person and one of the best fighters in the universe.


Gohan is Goku's and Chi-Chi's first son. He quite mothered up in the beginning, because Chi-Chi wanted Gohan to be a scholar instead of a fighter and a "peasant" like his father. Gohan's anger was what first revealed his hidden power; when Raditz, Goku's brother was beating up Goku and it made Gohan so angry that he attacked Raditz with no memory of it. Gohan trains hard under Piccolo, who later become very close to Gohan. Gohan's hesitation to engage in battle certainly gets the best of him; but when he gets better step aside! Piccolo believes that Gohan's power is even far greater than his father's is, and this is a fact well made when Gohan defeats Cell. I believe Gohan's first transformation happens when Goku is killed trying to keep Cell form exploding on earth.


Krillin is Goku's best friend. I was told that Krillin was a monk. Goku and Krillin met years ago when they both asked for training under Master Roshi, and he tired bribe him with a dirty magazine. Master Roshi decided to send them both on a hunt for a "sleeping princess in the devils castle", and the whole time Krillin did his best to trip Goku up so he could win. But eventually they became very close friends. And it was Krillin's death on Planet Namek by the hands of Frieza that led Goku to transform into the Super Saiyan. Krillin is an expert in the martial arts and is an excellent fighter. Don't let the looks deceive you! He is quite capable of taking care of business, and being the smallest in training when he was growing up encourages him to train harder.


I am not really accurate on story of these two, but I understand they are of one person! Years ago, they split, one being good (Kami-Sama) and one being evil (Piccolo). Piccolo's main goal in life was to destroy Goku, after Goku defeated Piccolo's father Dimao Piccolo. But Piccolo's feelings start to change when he starts training his enemy's son, Gohan. He is very hard on him; but he knows it for the best. And he felt that if he pushed Gohan, he could reveal his powers more and he would be a better fighter. Piccolo becomes very close to Gohan and he even steps in and gives up his life for him when they battle against Nappa and Vegeta. Piccolo later become good friends with Goku and the Z fighters, and becomes one of the main characters of the DBZ sagas. Kami-Sama is the guardian of the earth, and lives in a lookout over the earth. He is very powerful but with his connection with Piccolo (and both being mortal) if one dies, the other does also.

PRINCE VEGETA "You should know better than to oppose Vegeta!"

Vegeta is at first, the enemy on Dragonball Z. He is the Prince of the planet Vegeta, and he is ruthless. His hunger for immortality and domination over the universe led him to earth to find the Dragonballs. After being defeated on earth and let go by Goku, His next mission is to get to planet Namek to get the Namekican Dragonballs and wish for immortality. But there are others there also looking for the balls and he eventually teams up with Krillin and Gohan to fight against the Ginyu Force and the mighty Freiza. Vegeta later teams up with the Z fighters to fight against the androids that are coming in the future, and he and Bulma have a son named Trunks. They have another child also, but I think the child's name is Bra. Vegeta, being so evil in every way makes you love him more! He has a certain aura about himself that draws you in . . . he is very proud of his race and will not turn down a fight! He gave Goku definitely a run for his money when they battled on earth! But being bad didn't always cut it; and he too realizes that good indeed conquers all.


Trunks is Vegeta and Bulma's son. He is an important character on Dragonball Z. The future Trunks surpasses all the training and skill that all the Z fighters have, by easily showing up and defeating Freiza and his Father, King Cold within minutes. He has the brains like his Mother Bulma and the fighting instinct like his Father, Vegeta. And he is very good with a sword! He shocks everyone when he shows up from nowhere and transforms into a Super Saiyan! I don't know too much about this character, and everyone is anxiously anticipating his arrival on DBZ. I will have more information on Trunks real soon.

NAPPA "It's not easy being a role model, little punks lookin' up to ya . . ."

Nappa is a Saiyan and is first seen on Dragonball Z with Vegeta. He loves to fight, and his very capable of his skills. But he fears Vegeta, and follows his every word. Nappa easily defeats the Z fighters on earth, but cannot stand up to Goku. After being beat to an inch of his life by Goku, Vegeta kills him himself, noting that he was "weak". He is a very powerful fighter, and it would have been good if they kept him on as an enemy of DBZ. But hey, I don't write the story....


The Ginyu Force is an elite fighting squad who are Freiza's henchmen. The Force includes Captain Ginyu, Jeice, Burter, Raccome and Goldo. Gohan and Krillin is no match for these foes, but Vegeta easily defeats Jeice and Goldo. And he makes sure that Burter and Raccome don't wake up either after Goku defeats them.

FREIZA "Pop goes the weasel!"

Freiza is a cold hearted individual set on getting the Dragonballs for his own personal gain. He wants to ask the dragon for immortality. Freiza is feared all over the universe and is an ultimate fighter. He met his match when Goku finally arrives on the battlefield, and he had to use all his powers to try to defeat Goku. But end the end he was getting weaker as he fought while Goku was getting stronger as he fought (a plus for being in Super Saiyan form)! Even when Frieza was hit by his own attack and he pleaded for his life to Goku, and he gave him some of his own energy to survive, he still tried to defeat Goku! But in the end, Freiza meets his demise when he arrives on Earth and Trunks defeats him at last.