Mrs. Briefs crept into Bulma’s apartment, making sure not to disturb her.  She was carrying shopping bags filled with baby clothes, toys and other assortments.  She set them down on the couch and looks over the apartment, sadly sighing.  It had been a terrible month for Bulma, since Vegeta left.  No one had seen him since the day her parents came home from their trip.  Even Goku searched for him, and to no avail he couldn’t be found.  And since then, Bulma slipped into a deep depression, hardly ever leaving the apartment, and when she did, it would only be for her weekly doctor’s appointments or Lamaze classes, and her mother graciously attended with her.  And then sometimes at night she would go out to the gravity room and look inside, hoping that her Saiyan Prince would be there.  Trying to give her daughter a distraction, her mother arranged to have a baby shower for her only a couple of weeks ago.  Bulma reluctantly greeted her guests with smiles and appreciation, but by the end of the shower one of her distant friends who didn’t know the details of what happened, slipped up and said his name to her.  The instant his name was uttered, her eyes filled up with tears and she totally broke down.  Mrs. Briefs tried to encourage Bulma to focus on the near-birth of her baby and to try to get over missing Vegeta; but it seemed like it wasn’t going happen.  She told her mom that the child inside her was a part of him, and that alone made her even more depressed.  And after the baby shower incident, her mom could hear her cry herself to sleep every night.  Mrs. Briefs was so angered at Vegeta, for his desertion; and yet she felt so helpless, because she knew there was nothing she could do that would pull her daughter out of the proverbial black hole she was falling in.


“Mom?” Bulma wearily said, rubbing her eyes, walking up the hallway. 


“Honey, I didn’t mean to disturb you.  Just dropped off a few things for the baby.”  Mrs. Briefs said setting the bags down.


Bulma wobbled into the living room, her right hand on her side.  It almost seemed she huffed when she walked.  Being in her last month of pregnancy, her stomach was huge.  Her mom just prayed she wasn’t having twins.  But overall, she had a radiating pregnant glow about her. 


“I was taking a nap,” Bulma said slowly sitting down on the couch.  “I’ve been so tired lately.  You got more clothes, Mom?”  Her mom sat down next to her. 


“Yes, I just couldn’t resist.”


“Mom…the baby has enough already.  We’ll probably have to end up giving some of these things away.” Bulma suddenly tensed up and rubbed her stomach.


“Something wrong?” Her mom asked, her tone sounding quite serious.


“This baby is really doing some back flips today.” Bulma said with much discomfort.  “I think he’s ready to come out.”


“Or she.” Her mom said, smiling.  “You do have your suitcase all ready, just in case?”


“I packed that two weeks ago.”  There was a moment of silence, and her mom could notice Bulma’s demeanor changed from somewhat happy to sad.  She stared straight ahead as if she was in a daze.  “You know…when the baby would kick about like this sometime ago…he could just put his hands on my stomach and the baby would just calm down.  I guess he had a way about doing that…putting his hands on me…” Her words tailed off as she rubbed her stomach.  It never failed; no matter what topic of conversation you held with her, she would some how bring Vegeta’s name up.  She finally looked over at her mom, who smiled warmly as she patted her daughter’s hand. 


“Well, I’d better fix lunch.  You Hungary?” Her mom asked, hoping to skip the subject.


“…Yeah.  I could use something to eat.  Let me go to the bathroom first and I’ll be right down, okay?”  Her mom was overjoyed to hear her daughter wanted to venture out of her apartment for a change.  She stood and walked to the door.


“Great honey! How’s about some chicken salad?”


“Naw…how’s about some shrimp chow mien?” Bulma said smiling.


“Okay.  See you in a bit.”  Her mom walked out.  Bulma’s smile quickly faded the moment she left, and it was replaced with pain.  All day, her back was killing her.  She didn’t want to alarm her mom about it; she felt his pain once before and she was sure it would pass.


Pulling herself up and walking into the bathroom, Bulma felt another pain in her back, only this time it was lower.  She let out an unexpected yelp as the pain left her back and shot down her stomach like a strong menstrual cramp, only but ten times as worse.  Bulma grabbed her stomach as she went down to the floor. 


“Not now…not by myself!” Bulma panted.  She totally started to panic until she remembered to control her breathing, as she was taught in Lamaze class.  Quickly pacing her breathing, she closed her eyes while the pain racked her body.  And as suddenly as the pain came, it left.  She opened her eyes, which were now full with tears.  She frantically looked around the bathroom, too scared to pick herself off the floor.  She stared to weep.


“I can’t do this…Oh God, I CAN’T DO THIS ALONE!” Bulma sobbed as she started to crawl on her hands and knees out of the bathroom.  With her vision blurred from her tears, she didn’t see the pair of white boots that were in front of her, and she ran right into them. 


"And you won't be, woman." The voice said lowly.  She slowly looked up, noticing the muscular legs in the dark spandex that clung to them, and then the white armor he wore on his chest.  Focusing on his face, she blinked hard and shook her head, wondering if she was dreaming.  Vegeta.  The look on his face was a bit disconcerting, and his arms were folded at their usual place. 


"I'm dreaming." Bulma said quietly.


"You're not," Vegeta quickly replied. "Are you injured?"


"No…I think I’m in labor." Vegeta extended out his hand to her.


"Well?  Get up woman!"


"I can't…I can't!" Bulma said shaking her head, crying. 


"Look, do you want to have the brat here?  On the floor?"


"No." Bulma whined.


"Then take my hand!" Vegeta said roughly.  She glared up at him. 

"Why are you here?" She said, her voice sounding cold.  "Why did you come back?"  His facial expression changed with the question, and he titled his head to side, inquisitively. 


"Come back?" Vegeta said raising an eyebrow.  "Why woman…I've never left."  Bulma looked confused to his statement, then she thought back to all the lonely nights she slept, and always having that feeling she was being watched.  Or sometimes, in her dreams, he would come to her; lightly touching her face, rubbing her shoulders, caressing her stomach…and sometimes just curling up next to her, kissing her ear.  Was it all a dream? Or was it…real?  Vegeta knelt down to the floor and scooped Bulma up in his arms.


"Where are you taking me?" She demanded.


"Do you think you can hold off going to the hospital for 30 minutes?"


"Vegeta…I really don't think we should…"


"I'm not talking about that!" Vegeta huffed, almost blushing from her implication.  "I want you to come with me first, before we go to the hospital."


Bulma nodded, and wrapped one arm behind his neck.  Vegeta stepped out to the ledge of the patio window and flew off, heading towards the wooded area behind the Capsule Corporation.  After a few minutes, they landed in an open area near a small stream.


"Why are we here?" Bulma asked, looking around.  She saw two people standing under a tree, and from the direction of sun in her face, she couldn't make out their faces.  The individuals walked out to them and she put her hand on top of her forehead to block out the sun as she focused.  It was Goku, and an older man.  "What is this? What are you doing here, Goku?  Why are we here?"


"Sorry Bulma," Goku sheepishly said, scratching his head.  "I had to keep this from you."


"Keep what from me?"


"Can we get this over with? She's in labor." Vegeta said impatiently to the older man.


"What the hell is going on?" Bulma shouted.


"Bulma!" Goku said nervously.  "Watch your mouth!  This man is a priest!"


"Huh??!!?" Bulma said, all the color leaving her cheeks.


"This man is here to marry you and Vegeta." Goku said with a smile.


In total shock of the news, Bulma looked at Vegeta, who for once was looking really nervous.  She started to say something when a sharp pain shot through her lower back again.  Bulma grabbed a hold of Vegeta's arm as the pain ran its course and he alarmingly held her they both slowly sank to the ground.


"Kakarott, I must get her to the hospital.  Can you tell that human to go ahead and start?" Vegeta said excitedly.  Goku nodded and motioned to the priest, and he walked up to them, opening a small book.


"No," Bulma said gasping for air as the contraction faded.  "I won't marry you."  Vegeta's eyes widened. 


"WHAT?" Vegeta hollered.  "Why must you be difficult now woman?"


"Bulma…aren't you being a tad bit unreasonable right now?" Goku said, almost pleading.


"What I find unreasonable is the fact that he left me for a whole month, with a word," Bulma said standing up, shaking Vegeta's hands off her.  "And then he shows up like he can make up for it by doing this?  Well, I'm not impressed!" Bulma looked at Vegeta, who now was shocked from her comment. "Do you think you can just waltz in and out my life like this?  That you treat me like Yamcha did?" Vegeta stood there, at a lost for words.


"Bulma, he wouldn't be doing this if he didn't care about you." Goku said pleading Vegeta's case for him.


"He wouldn't do this UNLESS you talked him into it."


"Look woman," Vegeta growled. "I am growing quite impatient with you.  It has taken a lot for me to even do this.  Now I have to admit, Kakarott did help me arrange this--but it was my decision, MINE, in taking this step."  Vegeta took Bulma's hand as his tone softened. "Just tell me what to do, and I'll do it." Bulma stared at him, and she could see the sincerity in his eyes.


"Well…I haven't been properly proposed to." Bulma said softly.


"What?" Vegeta said with much agitation.  He paused and then let out a sigh.  "Woman, will you marry me?" Bulma narrowed her eyes and frowned.


"Woman is not my name." Vegeta almost bit his tongue in half to keep from cursing her.  He squeezed her hand as he exhaled deeply. 


"BULMA BRIEFS…Will you marry me?" He slowly said.  Bulma's face lit up, and a warm smile formed across her lips.


"Yes," Bulma said, almost choking on the words.  "Yes, Prince Vegeta.  I will marry you."


"Whoo-hoo! All right!" Goku said clapping his hands.  "Mr. Yagosi, you can begin." Goku said to the priest.  Mr. Yagosi nodded and flipped through the book and began to read.


"Dearly beloved, we are gathered together her in the sight of God and in the face of this company, to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony," Mr. Yagosi began.  "If any may can show just cause, why they may not lawfully be joined together, let him speak now, or forever hold his peace." There was a second of silence.  "Vegeta, will you take this woman to be thy wedded wife, to live together after God's ordinance in the holy estate of matrimony?  Wilt thou love her, comfort her, honour and keep her in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, keep thee only unto her, so long as ye both shall live?"


 Vegeta looked at Bulma, smirking.  "I will."


"Bulma," Mr. Yagosi began. "Will you take this man to be thy wedded husband, to live together after God's ordinance in the holy estate of matrimony? Wilt thou love him, comfort him, honour and keep him in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, keep only unto him, so long as ye both shall live?"


"I will." Bulma said, with her voice trembling.


"Take her right hand and repeat after me Vegeta." Mr. Yagosi instructed.  Vegeta held her right hand.  She could feel him shaking.


"I Vegeta, take thee Bulma to be my wedded wife,"


"…I Vegeta, take thee Bulma to be my wedded wife."


"To have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part."


"…To have and to hold form this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part."


"You may let go of her hand, and Bulma, take Vegeta's right hand." Mr. Yagosi instructed to Bulma.  She nervously took his right hand and held it tightly.  Mr. Yagosi repeated the vows to her and she repeated the vows back to Vegeta, tearfully. 


"Do you have a ring?" Mr. Yagosi asked Vegeta.  He nodded and motioned to Goku, who reached into his pocket and handed him the ring.  "Vegeta, take Bulma's left hand and repeat after me."  Vegeta held her left hand and looked up at Bulma, this time he was smiling. 


"With this ring, I thee wed." Mr. Yagosi said.


"With this ring, I thee wed." Vegeta said he clumsily slipped the gold band on her finger. 


"Please kneel while we pray." Instructed Mr. Yagosi to the both of them.  The both knelt while he read the Lord's Prayer.  "You may stand and join hands." Bulma and Vegeta stood, joining hands.  "Vegeta and Bulma have consented together in holy wedlock, and have witnessed the same before God and this company, I now pronounce that they are husband and wife, in the name of the father, and of the son, and the Holy Ghost.  Amen.  You may kiss the bride."


It looked like they leaped into each other's arms when then kissed.  Goku was sniffing.


"I love weddings." Goku croaked.


"Well, thank you Kakarott for helping me," Vegeta said as he picked Bulma up.  "You must remind me not to kill you for at least another month, as a favor."


"Sure thing, Vegeta," Goku chuckled.  "Good luck." Vegeta nodded with thanks to the priest, and he flew off with Bulma.  


"Goku!" Bulma hollered.  "Go tell Mom where I am, and get my suitcase!"


"Okay Bulma!" Goku hollered back.  He looked at the priest who was quite puzzled.  "Something wrong, Mr. Yagosi?"


"What did he mean by not killing you?" Asked Mr. Yagosi.





First of all, I want to apologize if anyone found the 'religious' portion of my story offending, because not everyone believes in God, sad to say.  The wedding vows came from the ultimate Internet wedding guide (http://ultimatewedding.com/vows/vows11.htm). I tried looking up information on a traditional Japanese wedding ceremony, but I only found a small amount of information on it.  And I didn't want to use the material if didn't have all of it. Now back to the conclusion of Something Wonderful





It was going into the 13th hour of labor for Bulma, and it was taking its toll.  The contractions she encountered before her water broke were nothing to ones she were having now, which were agonizing.  Even though her contractions were getting closer, her doctor advised she hadn't dilated enough to give birth.


By the 15th hour, she finally reached the 8-centimeter goal to go into the delivery room.  And remarkably, Vegeta was there with her the whole time.  There were moments she could feel him tense up and get extremely excited when she had her contractions, and she squeezed his hand so tightly she thought she was going to rip it off.  But by the time they did reach the delivery room, Vegeta was furious and frustrated with all of it.


"YOU!" Vegeta addressed the doctor dangerously.  "Why hasn't it come out by now?"


"Sir, she's in the final stage, this is normal for new mothers.  A couple of retrained pushes should do it." The doctor nervously spoke.


"And she's in extreme pain!  If you don't get her something for it now, I'll show you what pain is!" Vegeta said with a raised fist.


"Sir, the anesthetist will be right in to give her a epidural for the pain." The doctor fearfully said as he walked out of the room fast.


"He'd better!"  Vegeta growled.  He felt a tug at his arm, and he looked back at Bulma.  She laid there; breathing erratically, sweat running down her forehead.


"Vegeta, I don't think terrorizing the hospital staff is going to make me have this baby any quicker." Bulma said with a groan. She was impressed he cared about her warfare at the present time; but he certainly had a strange way of showing it.   

"I'm sick of this!" Vegeta roared. "Push that damn thing out, woman!"


"I can't!" Bulma yelled back. "Stop being an asshole!  Arguing with me won't make it come out, either!"


"You see?" Vegeta said waving a finger at her. " If you'd trained for this, you would have had it by now!"


"Vegeta…" Bulma retorted, but she froze as a contraction hit, and she screamed.  Vegeta quickly ran to her side at the bed and grabbed her hand.  She started her breathing, but his time the pain was too much for her to concentrate.  Fearing the worse, Vegeta hollered for the doctor.  The doctor rushed in and checked her out, and motioned to the nurse and she called for more of the staff to come in. 


"What is the matter?" Vegeta asked urgently.


"The baby's head is crowning." The doctor advised. "We can't give her the epidural now.  It's too late."


"WHAT!" Bulma said wearily.  She didn't expect to give natural birth.  The nurses came in and put her feet up in the stirrups to prepare her for the final moment.


"Okay, Bulma, when you have your next contraction, I need you to come forward and push." The doctor instructed.  She nodded painfully.


"This is all your fault Vegeta," Bulma breathed.  "If I don't die from this, I don’t ever want you to touch me again!"


"How is this my fault?" Vegeta said excitedly.  "It's a woman's job to prevent this stuff from happening, you humans and your fragile bodies!" Bulma let go of his hand, and she waved her hand at him as if she was dismissing him.


"Just go! Get out of my face!  I hate you for this you- AHHGGH!"  Bulma screamed in pain as another contraction hit, and her hand desperately searched for Vegeta's hand to grasp.  Grabbing her hand, Vegeta held on tightly.


"Push!" the doctor instructed.  Bulma brought her self forward slowly with Vegeta's help, and she let out a few controlled breaths and pushed with all her might.  She let out another shriek that made chills run down Vegeta's spine as she finally laid back, panting.  He looked at her as her eyes were rolled back in her head and she was mumbling incoherently.


"Good job Bulma," The doctor said cheerfully.  "Now relax…the head is almost out."


Vegeta continued to look at his new wife, who was still trying to catch her breath.  He could feel her hand tremble in his, and he could sense she was in so much pain that it almost made her pass out.  She started weeping and shaking her head, and he could tell she was going to give up.  For once in Vegeta's life, he felt totally helpless.  He could do nothing to help her now.  But there was one thing he could do.  He lowered his head down to hers, knowing he was ready to say what was needed to be said at last. 


"You cannot give up now," Vegeta whispered to her.  "You are one of the feistiest humans I know, and you can do this.  You have more strength in you than you know…you have taught me so much Bulma…I always considered caring for someone a silly commodity or weakness.  But now I know that it makes you stronger.  You've given me something I never knew I needed all my life- love.  And do love you for it.  I have loved you the very moment I laid eyes on you… you strengthen me- you're my everything…so please don't give up.  I need you, and our baby."  Bulma gasped when she heard this; and she turned and looked up at Vegeta, with a tear falling down her cheek.  Vegeta took his finger and carefully wiped her tears away, smiling.  The tearful happy look on her face was quickly replaced with surprise as she felt another contraction.  Vegeta tightened his grip on her hand and nodded.


"Alright now…push!" The doctor commanded to Bulma.


Mustering up all the strength she had left, Bulma brought herself forward again, and pushed really hard.  The whole time she pushed she held her breath, and her face turned red from it.  She put a vise like grip on Vegeta's hand and she seemed to shake.  And with the words 'I do love you' still dancing in her mind, she pushed and pushed until…she felt something leave her body; she felt the worse pain along with it, and then there was calm. In that instant, she felt relaxed and relieved at the same time, and the room seemed to be much brighter than it already was.  Then she heard it.  A baby cry.


"There it is!" The doctor happily announced.  "You did it!" The medical staff all let out a relieved cheer as the doctor held up the reddish-purple baby by its feet.  "And it's a boy!" Bulma started to laugh and cry all at once as she gazed at her baby for the first time.


The doctor laid the newborn on Bulma's stomach for a moment, and after Bulma quickly regained her senses, she reached down to touch her son's hand.  He nosily squirmed about as her finger touched the inside of his palm.  One of the nurses picked the baby up, which alarmed Vegeta, who was very quiet the whole time.  Bulma looked up at him, and the look on his face was total shock and amazement.


"Would you like to cut the cord?" The doctor asked Vegeta.  He just stood there, his eyes still on his son being picked up.  He noticed his son's little tail whipping about and it made his heart drop.


"Vegeta?" Bulma said tugging his hand she was still holding.  He broke his stare and looked at the doctor.


"Would you like to cut the cord?" The doctor asked again.  Vegeta nodded, the quietest he's ever been in his entire life.  The doctor handed him the medical sicorrors and Vegeta cut the cord.  The nurse then took the baby over to an area to be cleaned and swaddled in a blanket.   Bulma finally laid back, letting out a exhausting sigh.  The doctor walked back over to them with the baby, and he carefully placed it in Bulma's arms.  As she held him, she cooed and smiled at him, and she cried quietly.  The baby seemed to settle down with his cries as Bulma rocked him slowly.


"Look at him," Bulma said to Vegeta with astonishment. "He looks just like you!" She took her finger and rubbed his little cheek. "Look at that little Vegeta nose!" She looked up at Vegeta, and she saw the softness in his face, and the eagerness to hold him.


"Can I hold him, Bulma?" Vegeta said almost pleading.  She nodded and handed him his son. Vegeta carefully held him close to him as he looked down at him. 


"We did a good job, don't you agree?" Bulma asked softly.


"Yes…but you did all the work!" Vegeta said in a low, serious tone. "Watching you give birth was something I had never seen before.  It was amazing." Vegeta added. "I had no idea that earth women could do that."


"I couldn't believe I could do that either." Bulma said shaking her head. 


Vegeta frowned a bit with he noticed his son's hair was a pale lavender color.  "What color is his hair?" Vegeta asked, puzzled.


"It looks purple, or something.  It's beautiful!"


"Saiyans have black hair." Vegeta noted.


"Well, he's half Saiyan, Vegeta." Vegeta gave a little grunt, and then he noticed his son's tail emerge from up under the blanket.  Vegeta began to smile proudly at this.


"My son." Vegeta seemed to proclaim.  The baby blinked his blue eyes and looked up at him. "And he has his mother's eyes…and mouth!"  He chuckled at his own joke. 




"Yes, woman?"


"…Did you really mean what you said…about loving me?" Vegeta stared to say something, but paused.  He looked down at her, and then he looked back at the baby.


"I just wanted to speed it up a bit; you needed some encouragement." Bulma folded her arms and smiled at him.


"Sometimes, Vegeta, even though you say that actions are louder than words, you need to hear it.  I need to hear it.  And you don't have to act like you didn't mean it; because I know you did."  Vegeta looked down at her again as she took his free hand and rubbed it against her cheek.  "I love you Vegeta-chan…thank you for this baby, and for marrying me."


Feeling another moment of clarity, Vegeta lowered his head down to hers and kissed her lightly. 


"I believe you know me better than I know my self woman," Vegeta sighed. "I don't think I could ever stop loving you, even if I tried."


"Then don't." Bulma said, as she kissed him again. "Don't ever stop loving me."


They both gazed down at their newborn son…not knowing he was the one who saved them all from Frieza two years ago…but what they did know is that he was the one true thing that brought both of them closer together, and the one who moved Vegeta enough to confess his love to his one and only.


And they began a new life of love and happiness…together.





He may not always say

What you would have him say

But now and then, he'll say

Something wonderful


The thoughtless things he’ll do

Will hurt and worry you

But all at once, he'll do

Something wonderful


He has a thousand dreams

That won't come true

You know that he believes in them

And that's enough for you.


You'll always go along

Defend him when he's wrong

And tell him when he's strong

He is wonderful…

He'll always need your love…

…And so he'll get your love.

A man who needs your love

Can be wonderful!







·Lyrics come from the musical The king and I, titled Something Wonderful.


